Peer-reviewed research articles
Calosso MC & Claydon JAB (2022) Social (in)justice for small-scale fisherfolk in the Turks and Caicos islands: struggling to stay afloat in a tax haven. In Jentoft S, Chuenpagdee R (Eds), ‘Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy’. MARE Publication Series, vol 26. 53-73
Calosso MC, Claydon JAB, Mariani S, Cawthorne DM (2020) Global footprint of mislabelled seafood on a small island nation. Biological Conservation 245:108557
Bjorndal KA, Bolten AB, Chaloupka M, Saba VS, Bellini C, Marcovaldi MAG, Santos AJB, Bortolon LFW, Meylan AB, Meylan PA, Gray J, Hardy R, Brost B, Bresette M, Gorham JC, Connett S, Crouchley BVS, Dawson M, Hayes D, Diez CE, van Dam RP, Willis S, Nava M, Hart KM, Cherkiss MS, Crowder AG, Pollock C, Hillis-Starr Z, Muñoz Tenería FA, Herrera-Pavón R, Labrada-Martagón V, Lorences A, Negrete-Philippe A, Lamont MM, Foley AM, Bailey R, Carthy RR, Scarpino R, McMichael E, Provancha JA, Brooks A, Jardim A, López-Mendilaharsu M, González-Paredes D, Estrades A, Fallabrino A, Martínez-Souza G, Vélez-Rubio GM, Boulon RH, Collazo JA, Wershoven R, Hernández VG, Stringell TB, Sanghera A, Richardson PB, Broderick AC, Phillips Q, Calosso MC, Claydon JAB et al. (2017) Ecological regime shift drives declining growth rates of sea turtles throughout the West Atlantic. Global Change Biology Volume 23(11):4556-4568
Bjorndal KA, Chaloupka M, Saba VS, Diez CE, van Dam RP, Krueger BH, Horrocks JA, Santos AJB, Bellini C, Marcovaldi MAG, Nava M, Willis S, Godley BJ, Gore S, Hawkes LA, McGowan A, Witt MJ, Stringell TB, Sanghera A, Richardson PB, Broderick AC, Phillips Q, Calosso MC, Claydon JAB et al. (2016) Somatic growth dynamics of West Atlantic hawksbill sea turtles: a spatio-temporal perspective. Ecosphere 7(5):e0127
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC, De Leo GA, Peachey RBJ (2015) Spatial and demographic consequences of nursery-dependence in reef fishes: an empirical and simulation study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 525:171-183
Claydon JAB, McCormick MI & Jones GP (2014) Multi-species spawning sites for fishes on a low latitude coral reef: spatial and temporal patterns. Journal of Fish Biology 8(4):1136-1163
Jackson A, Semmens B, Sadovy de Mitcheson Y, Nemeth R, Heppell S, Chapman R, Aguilar-Perera A, Claydon JAB, Calosso MC, Sealey K, Sharer M & Bernardi G (2014) Population structure and larval retention in Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), a mass-aggregating marine fish. PLoS ONE 9(5):e97508
Stringell TB, Calosso MC, Claydon JAB, Clerveaux W, Godley BJ, Lockhart KJ, Phillips Q, Ranger S, Richardson PB, Sanghera A & Broderick AC (2013) Marine turtle harvest in a mixed small-scale fishery: evidence for revised management measures. Ocean & Coastal Management 82:34-42
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC & Traiger SB (2012) Progression of invasive lionfish in seagrass, mangrove and reef habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448:119-129
Claydon JAB, McCormick MI & Jones GP (2012) Patterns of migration between feeding and spawning sites in a coral reef surgeonfish. Coral Reefs 31:77–87
Richardson PB, Calosso MC, Claydon JAB, Clerveaux W, Godley BJ, Phillips Q, Ranger S, Sanghera A, Stringell TB, & Broderick AC (2010) Suzie the green turtle: 6,000 kilometres for one clutch of eggs? Marine Turtle Newsletter 127:26-27
Stringell TB, Calosso MC, Claydon JAB, Clerveaux W, Godley BJ, Phillips Q, Richardson PB, Sanghera A & Broderick AC (2010) Loggerhead turtles in the Turks and Caicos Islands, Caribbean. Marine Turtle Newsletter 127:23-25
Claydon JAB (2004) Spawning aggregations of coral reef fishes: characteristics, hypotheses, threats and management. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 42:265-302
Pisano E, Vacchi M (2017) Alla scoperta dei pesci antartici / Discover Antarctic fishes. Il Piviere, Rome. Translated into English by Calosso MC & Claydon JAB
Education materials
Claydon JAB, Lahui P, Bennett L & Waypot S (2003) Coral reefs: biology, ecology, threats & impact prevention. MEEP manual, Mahonia na Dari Research & Conservation Centre, Papua New Guinea
Conference presentations and posters
Luján V, Guzmán A, Wolfs E, Salamanca E, Doyle E, Claydon JAB, (2016) Improving MPA management through concrete strategies for sustainable finance: Turks and Caicos case study. 69th Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. (Presentation)
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC (2016) Factoring natural disasters into small-scale fisheries’ management. International Marine Conservation Congress, St John’s, Canada (Presentation)
Calosso MC, Claydon JAB (2016) Assessing exploitation of Nassau grouper spawning aggregations and the effect of a closed season through fisher interviews and landings data. International Marine Conservation Congress, St John’s, Canada (Presentation)
Claydon JAB (2016) Conservation of sharks and rays: a decision-maker’s perspective. In Panel Discussion: Shark and ray conservation 2.0: threading the needle on science, conservation, and policy into the next decade. International Marine Conservation Congress, St John’s, Canada (Presentation and Panel Discussion)
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC (2016) Reef fisheries may not always benefit from transition of local fishers into tourism: a simulation study. International Coral Reef Symposium, Hawaii
Calosso MC, Claydon JAB (2016) Legacies of the past feed mismatches between regulations and coral reef fisheries. International Coral Reef Symposium, Hawaii
Bjorndal KA, Chaloupka M, Saba VS, Diez CE, van Dam RP, Krueger BH, Horrocks JA, Santos AJB, Bellini C, Marcovaldi MAG, Nava M, Willis S, Godley BJ, Gore S, Hawkes LA, McGowan A, Witt MJ, Stringell TB, Sanghera A, Richardson PB, Broderick AC, Phillips Q, Calosso MC, Claydon JAB, et al (2016). A spatio-temporal evaluation of somatic growth dynamics of west Atlantic hawksbills. 36th International Sea Turtle Symposium, Lima, Peru
Claydon JAB (2015) The status of natural resources in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Turks and Caicos Tourism Symposium, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands (Keynote Address)
Calosso MC & Claydon JAB (2015) Assessing the exploitation of Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) spawning aggregations through fishers’ knowledge and landings data. 68th Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Panama City, Republic of Panama. (Presentation)
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC (2015) Proactive and reactive management of fishery resources in the Turks and Caicos Islands. 68th Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Panama City, Republic of Panama. (Poster)
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC & Peachey RJB (2014) Conservation insights from spatial models of nursery use in reef fishes. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland. (Poster)
Calosso MC & Claydon JAB (2014) Threats and opportunities for local management of the endangered Nassau grouper. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland. (Presentation)
Stringell TB, Calosso MC, Campbell LM, Claydon JAB, Clerveaux W, Godley BJ, Phillips Q, Ranger S, Richardson PB, Sanghera A & Broderick AC (2011) Fibropapillomatosis and fisher choice in the harvest of green sea turtles. 31st Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, San Diego, USA. (Presentation)
Candelmo A, Steiger M, Mcnamee E, Claydon JAB & Traiger SB (2011) Current trends of the invasive lionfish and finfish populations of South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. 64th Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Puerto Morelos, Mexico. (Poster)
Traiger SB & Claydon JAB (2011) Density and size distribution of invasive lionfish on reefs around South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. 64th Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Puerto Morelos, Mexico. (Poster)
Stringell TB, Calosso MC, Claydon JAB, Clerveaux W, Godley BJ, Phillips Q, Ranger S, Richardson PB, Sanghera A & Broderick AC (2010) An assessment of the harvest of marine turtles in the Turks & Caicos Islands, Caribbean. 30th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, Goa, India. (Presentation)
Claydon JAB, Wagner CW & Calosso MC (2010) Identifying individual Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, from natural markings. 63rd Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Poster)
Claydon JAB, Batchasingh J, Calosso MC, Jacob SE & Lockhart K (2010) Invasive red lionfish in shallow habitats of the Turks & Caicos Islands. 63rd Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Presentation)
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC & Jacob SE (2010) Large-scale deployment of discarded conch shells enhances juvenile habitat for spiny lobster, Nassau grouper and red hind. 63rd Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Presentation)
Claydon JAB, Jacob SE, Wagner C & Ryan S (2008) Juvenile habitat for Nassau grouper and spiny lobster is enhanced by discarded queen conch shells. 61st Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Gosier, Guadeloupe. (Presentation)
Landsman SJ, Jadot C, Ashley M & Claydon JAB (2008) Investigation of the Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) fishery in the Turks and Caicos Islands: implications for conservation and management. 61st Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Gosier, Guadeloupe. (Presentation)
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC & Jacob SE (2008) The red lionfish invasion of South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands. 61st Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Gosier, Guadeloupe. (Poster)
Claydon JAB & Kroetz A (2007) The distribution of early juvenile groupers around South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. 60th Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. (Presentation)
Claydon JAB & Plate RR (2007) Significance of habitat mapping in marine ecosystem management. Ecosystem Mapping Symposium. Dept. of Environment & Coastal Resources, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands. (Keynote address)
Conference proceedings
Calosso MC & Claydon JAB (In Press) Assessing the exploitation of Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) spawning aggregations through fishers’ knowledge and landings data. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC (In Press) Proactive and reactive management of fishery resources in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute
Claydon JAB, Batchasingh J, Calosso MC, Jacob SE & Lockhart K (2011) Invasive red lionfish in shallow habitats of the Turks & Caicos Islands. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 63:315-319
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC & Jacob SE (2011) Large-scale deployment of discarded conch shells enhances juvenile habitat for spiny lobster, Nassau grouper and red hind. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 63:457-461
Claydon JAB, Wagner CW & Calosso MC (2011) Identifying individual Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, from natural markings. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 63:219-220
Landsman SJ, Jadot C, Ashley M & Claydon JAB (2008) Investigation of the Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) fishery in the Turks and Caicos Islands: implications for conservation and management. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 61:82-89
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC & Jacob SE (2008) The red lionfish invasion of South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 61:400-402
Claydon JAB, Jacob SE, Wagner C & Ryan S (2008) Juvenile habitat for Nassau grouper and spiny lobster is enhanced by discarded queen conch shells. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 61:173-176
Claydon JAB & Kroetz A (2007) The distribution of early juvenile groupers around South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. Proceedings of the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 60:345-350